Everything is Amazing...

Next up on my to do of content is to complete the first chapter of Designing Emotion (I've already submitted almost 20k words to our editor) and this chapter includes a section titled "Everything is amazing and nobody is happy"... This I've found to be a rather accurate description of how I feel...

See in the past 3 months I've only been at home for about 4 weeks of that time, due to my extensive travelling for both pleasure & business. In fact I'm typing this on my 24 hour flight from Cape Town to Vegas, where I'm speaking at a conference. So this is another 2 weeks that I'll be away from home.

I get that most people would love to see the Greek islands, London, Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Vienna, Vegas & LA on a 3 month whirlwind trip. And it has been a great opportunity (to be paid to travel) and experience, but for me at least the timing of all this has been too much.

At the moment I crave routine, I crave a full 7 day work week and I'd love to be home more often and celebrate my newly status with my wife. ;) I'm probably different in that regard: if everything is amazing, I can't be happy unless these personal requirements are also met.