This is something I hope my kids learn from me. Maybe they do so with a combination of this writing and the example I set. Maybe there are just enough breadcrumbs between my words and actions that they at least ponder this often.
The balance is living in the future, dreaming about what could and should be true. And then finding those moments, spaces, connections and relationships in the now - irrespective of how incongruent they may be with that future, dreamt state - that makes today worthwhile.
These are two oppositional forces that often want the same outcome.
The logistics are harder than the ideals.
Often the lure of picking one over the other as an absolute answer is merely a mirage. (I have been fooled often.)
You have to endure. Navigate the discomfort. Find meaning in that journey.
It is often a sub-par outcome when we accept the status quo.
It is often a missed opportunity when we neglect this moment we’re in.
How much magic is somewhere in the balance of both of these?