An idea that has been very prominent in my life in recent months is one of having an impact.
Playing Your Own Game
We rebranded and relaunched Receiptful as Conversio. This was ultimately a project that represented our own evolution and what we had learnt about ourselves in the last 2 years since we first launched.
Did Not Finish
This past Sunday I had entered to race in my first triathlon. After a couple of weeks of hard training, I felt that I was prepared and was excited to take part in my first race.
Slower Mornings
As soon as I stopped clenching onto my morning routines and accepted the randomness that kids bring, my mornings became profoundly better. And in this sense, slower has been better.
The Obstacle is the Way
Where I am today, I'd very much like to avoid that sensation of feeling I have to persist and persevere with something that isn't enjoyable, isn't working and likely making me unhealthy.