As an entrepreneur, passion is something that I've mostly embraced throughout my various pursuits. In every pursuit, passion meant something different to me and it also changed at various intervals throughout those journeys.
Doing Everything Today
Prioritising low-hanging fruit or the highest impact tasks naturally helps, because it should at least help one accomplish the things that would result in enough progress.
Living a Full Life
I realized quite some time ago that I can't continue fighting the fullness of my life, but that it would be futile because I'm an ambitious individual and I will always gravitate to fullness.
Silly Self-Censorship
The thing that's been holding me back is fear: Is what I say relevant? Does an article I publish justify the time I'm expecting someone else to take to read it? Am I just adding more content (and noise) to a world that has too much of it already?
How Our Mailing Lists Grew From 0 to 3000+ Subscribers
Once you've found/signed up the first (say) 100 subscribers to your list, it's much easier to grow that list (with new content and products), because you have a foundation from where at least some of those subscribers will help you out.