The thing that's been holding me back is fear: Is what I say relevant? Does an article I publish justify the time I'm expecting someone else to take to read it? Am I just adding more content (and noise) to a world that has too much of it already?
How Our Mailing Lists Grew From 0 to 3000+ Subscribers
Once you've found/signed up the first (say) 100 subscribers to your list, it's much easier to grow that list (with new content and products), because you have a foundation from where at least some of those subscribers will help you out.
Beyond Most Others
Most achievements are accomplished after applying a level of persistence and diligence that will seem alien to the majority of the people you know.
Go With Fear
Exiting from WooThemes meant that I had achieved financial security for my family. The caveat to that is that we would still have to be smart about the way we use/invest our money and that we'd need to generate (new) income for the foreseeable future.
One Year Later: Unpausing & Relaunching
The two things that I've always associated with strong (and successful) individuals is their ability to be decisive and take action.