If bootstrapping isn't a source of funding, what is it then? Well, it's a discipline and a mindset; instead of being a question of funding, it's a framework of how to build - and grow - your business.
The Real Risk
There's a part of me that believes that entrepreneurship can't be boiled down to a systematic process. There's just too many variables at play at any given time.
Shit Entrepreneurs Say
When picking an idea to work on, they'll say pick something you're passionate about, because that's sustainable. Or perhaps you'll build something to scratch your own itch (and hope it'll help others too).
Getting Dirty
Done is better than perfect, especially if there's no significant loss in quality.
Achieving Fulfillment
Fulfillment is a much more holistic and abstract consideration. It's something that we own deep within ourselves. Fulfillment has real meaning. It's not always obvious or prominent, but when we are conscious of (the feeling of) fulfillment, it's an incredible experience.