If you are being too accommodating and too sensitive to all the things that need to fall into place even before you make a decision, or start something, you'll simply never get ahead.
If you are being too accommodating and too sensitive to all the things that need to fall into place even before you make a decision, or start something, you'll simply never get ahead.
The incumbent competitor knows what the real pain or problem is that they are solving. They also understand why their customers are paying to have that pain or problem solved.
It's fine to delay the one or two things that you are dreading to tackle, but when one reaches the infinite loop of procrastination, you need to know you are spiralling out of control.
Ask "Why" often and you'll eventually ask better questions. Better questions mean better answers.
On this list, I've included certain tasks which I need to complete before I dive into a new startup or ambitious pursuit again.