Writing becomes easy when you are just sharing whatever it is that you're doing. Especially if there's a more generic takeaway for someone else to try something similar.
Help First, Sell Second
We have all bought into the "do things that don't scale"-mantra because Paul Graham said we should.
The Best Things in Life are Imperfect
Imperfections are weird in the sense that we're generally quite aware of them, but we never really do anything about them. Maybe that's because we can't necessarily change these imperfections. Or because we believe - like Facebook - that 'done is better than perfect.
Pep Talk
In the last year, I've allowed the world and other people to dictate terms to me in a way that has had a significant impact on my life. I've become more fearful of failure, less reluctant to experiment, more risk-averse, unadventurous and I have done so much just to avoid making mistakes.
Winning in the Early Days
Ask any startup founder and they'll tell you that the early days (of a startup) are probably some of the hardest you will endure.