In a world where 'working on a startup' has become such a prevalent and socially accepted line on most of our biographies, we often forget to really question why we're risking everything in this pursuit.
Why WordPress Matters
Even though WordPress-related businesses have never been sexy (in the mainstream sense of the word) - WordPress has created and monetized an incredible ecosystem around the platform.
Sticks, Stones & Shitty Excuses
As an entrepreneur, you are likely to encounter various aspects of business and life where scarcity might be an issue: funding, customers, revenue, skills, talent or even your time. There is one thing, however, that you will always find in abundance: strong excuses.
Why (Good) Habits Matter
What are your good habits? What do you do on a daily basis to help you cope with the various challenges that get flung your way?
Lessons Learnt From Being First
When I released my very first paid WordPress product back in November 2007, I didn't know much about the space. Much less did I know that this release would eventually kickstart the behemoth that is WooThemes today.