In an age, where every Tom, Dick & Harry is saying that their companies are offering their customers good service, I'm surprised to see customers with so many scars relating to previous experiences.
Hiring Goes Both Ways
We've had the most success hiring individuals that would do everything in their power to be part of our team. On paper, these individuals probably won't be considered the best candidate, but in practice, they've exceeded all of our expectations.
Firing Your Customers
Somewhere within a landscape of differing views on what constitutes good customer experiences, and how I/we should interact with customers, I've developed a tendency to fire customers when the situation requires it.
Success Measured In Relevance
Happiness means success to me. But I'm also happy when I feel relevant; not just in my professional life, but also in my personal life.
You're Born An Entrepreneur
My brain has been wired in such a way that I can easily compute the risk & reward of any decision. My personality is such that I chase after the impossible and (when it comes to business at least) I'm fearless in that pursuit.