Two-thirds of the WooTeam is based remotely. My co-founders & I worked together on WooThemes for 16 months before we met in person for the first time. I truly believe that it's been an integral part of WooThemes to trust in people.
E-mail Isn't Broken
I think that it's important for us - as a web community - to progress our tools & technologies, as is the case with e-mail at the moment. But let's not say that it's broken just because we're "stuck" using limited technology.
Reliving The First Dollar
The wait lasted for 63 minutes before Lunchbox made its first sale, and during that wait, I was reminded of how exhilarating, fun, and stressful the launch of a new startup is.
Happiness = Success
My passion & ambition mostly relates to professional dreams & goals, which tends to be long term in nature. This makes it very tempting for me to allow that burning fire to simply consume all other aspects of my life.
Promotional Leniency
If you purchased something for $100 last week, you did so because you believed that it was worth $100 to you. If it wasn't, you would not have spent the money.