A startup is nothing more than a vehicle. And "working on a startup" should be nothing more than a mindset that you apply to any stage of a business.
Humanist, family man, seeker and learner. 3X Founder (2 exits): Cogsy, Conversio & WooCommerce. I wrote and published Life Profitability. Ex-Rockstar.
I'm Inspired By Wantrepreneurs
In my journey as an entrepreneur, I've made so many incredible people: founders & entrepreneurs that have built amazing businesses far beyond my own achievements.
Entrepreneurs, Sports Fans & Irrational Behaviour
Being an entrepreneur is an irrational choice to a large extent. Entrepreneurs do so many things and make so many compromises with the hope that they'll eventually get to a pay-day that's large enough to justify all of these costs and sacrifices along the way.
Startup Activity
Activity has a beginning. Activity is about doing, making mistakes and figuring out the lessons learnt.
Thank You For Your Purchase
I can remember with WooThemes, we'd have hundreds of purchases a day totalling millions of dollars every year. Somewhere along the way, I lost the notion that hundreds of people were parting with their hard-earned cash (in $29 increments at times).