They say that it is amazing that medical doctors still choose to have kids of their own because they understand the science behind the multitude of things that could potentially go wrong during pregnancy and birth. That pretty much describes how I feel about startups.
Humanist, family man, seeker and learner. 3X Founder (2 exits): Cogsy, Conversio & WooCommerce. I wrote and published Life Profitability. Ex-Rockstar.
Startup, I Choose You!
In a world where 'working on a startup' has become such a prevalent and socially accepted line on most of our biographies, we often forget to really question why we're risking everything in this pursuit.
Why WordPress Matters
Even though WordPress-related businesses have never been sexy (in the mainstream sense of the word) - WordPress has created and monetized an incredible ecosystem around the platform.
Sticks, Stones & Shitty Excuses
As an entrepreneur, you are likely to encounter various aspects of business and life where scarcity might be an issue: funding, customers, revenue, skills, talent or even your time. There is one thing, however, that you will always find in abundance: strong excuses.
Why (Good) Habits Matter
What are your good habits? What do you do on a daily basis to help you cope with the various challenges that get flung your way?