Happiness means success to me. But I'm also happy when I feel relevant; not just in my professional life, but also in my personal life.
You're Born An Entrepreneur
My brain has been wired in such a way that I can easily compute the risk & reward of any decision. My personality is such that I chase after the impossible and (when it comes to business at least) I'm fearless in that pursuit.
Don't Compete On Features
Most markets that you can enter right now, are already quite saturated and you're likely to face existing competition. Due to the very low barrier to entry to build a new SaaS/web /mobile app, you'll also find that the competition's offering is mostly the same as your solution.
Doing It Yourself
In business, you'll often find references to risk & reward and how those two things are intertwined: the greater the risk, the greater the (potential) reward.
2 Things I Love
In the last year, I've been lucky to pinpoint my true passion in life (professionally at least): I love helping other entrepreneurs.