There is no way to avoid risk as an entrepreneur; whatever way you go, you'll be taking on risk.
personal values
Being Naked
We create things that we love, we're passionate about and that we believe in. Then we put it out there with a sense of pride, ambition and bravado. At that point, we completely cede control of how others will react, what they'll say or what they'll do with this thing we've created.
What Do You Want?
If all constraints and considerations were to be removed, of what would you want more?
Maker of Mistakes
Professionally I consider myself an entrepreneur, but in life, I'm much more a Maker of Mistakes. This is something that has become so entrenched in the way I live my life and the lessons I've learnt (from my mistakes) have empowered some incredible victories and successes.
Thank You For Your Purchase
I can remember with WooThemes, we'd have hundreds of purchases a day totalling millions of dollars every year. Somewhere along the way, I lost the notion that hundreds of people were parting with their hard-earned cash (in $29 increments at times).