Customers (and revenue) will always be your best investors and you don't have to cede any kind of control to them in return.
Startup, I Choose You!
In a world where 'working on a startup' has become such a prevalent and socially accepted line on most of our biographies, we often forget to really question why we're risking everything in this pursuit.
How I Made $4000 Selling a Product I Didn't Have
Our initial landing page was designed to do one thing: capture e-mail addresses that we can use as lead generation. The messaging was incredibly vague about what PublicBeta would actually be, but it was clear about one thing: entrepreneurship is tough and we wanted to help entrepreneurs.
Doing it Wrong
If you have the passion and ambition to build the next Facebook or Instagram, then put your money where your mouth is and fund the thing yourself.
Startups & Faster Learning
Regardless of whether you are bootstrapped or have a nice, comfortable war chest from fundraising, every day that you have unvalidated assumptions and you're not learning, is a day that costs you money.