Little boys with sunshine in their giggles
are being mistaken for men
because their bodies were built like those of

- Upile Chisala (soft magic.)

You likely found me during phases of bravado when building WooThemes / WooCommerce or now Conversio. In times where I was sharing my journey of being an entrepreneur, growing those businesses; my words were optimistic, ambitious and narrowly focused on these endeavours.

Today, it feels much harder to write for you.

Mostly because I think you know me in another way - in that past tense - and expect different things from me still.

I get that. Even if it is only half-true, I do understand: just because I have moved and changed, it doesn’t mean your needs are different now.

But I have changed enough that - in this moment - I want to say other things in a new way. Things that are prevalent in my world. Things that have guided me recently. Not for the sake of being different either; I am still just sharing my journey.

What is hard is that I want my words to matter still. I want it to resonate. I want you to find value; even if it sometimes means I only provoke and you lash out in anger. (If that leads to something constructive, then both of us have made progress in some way.)

An extract from "Motion".