2013 was a bit of a hit-and-miss year for me in terms of writing. Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed my writing - especially as I mostly used as "therapy" of sorts - I didn't manage to write consistently and looking at my frequency graphs will show you many an up-and-down.

That said, I do believe 2013 marks the year where my writing definitely matured and I managed to consolidate (and refine) the own (writing) voice. I don't yet have a blueprint for writing great articles that garner massive amounts of engagement and traffic, but a couple of my articles in 2013 did get loads of attention.

Here's the best and most popular articles (according to pageviews) that I published on Adii.me in 2013:

Note: If you enjoy(ed) any of these articles, I'd really appreciate a tweet. The Twitter buttons work perfectly and should do the trick. :)

  1. How I Made $4000 Selling A Product I Didn't Have
  1. Prioritization Optimization
  1. Pause
  1. The Second Time Is Harder
  1. Why do we worry about scaleability on Day 1?
  1. E-mail Isn't Broken
  1. Don't Compete On Features
  1. What's stopping you (from building your business)?
  1. We've Broken This Startup Thing
  1. How Anyone Can Create A Tech Startup
  1. You're Born An Entrepreneur
  1. Who Are You?
  1. Hiring Goes Both Ways
  1. Scared To Start?
  1. That Little Bit Extra

In addition to these, I also published a handful of articles elsewhere and whilst I don't have any real statistics on how these performed, judging by reactions and mentions on Twitter, they were very popular.

  1. How to build your personal brand: The next step to anything (The Next Web)
  1. What Running Has Taught Me About Entrepreneurship (Forbes)
  1. Faking The Dream (Medium)
  1. The First 4 Steps in Building a Brand (Clarity.fm)
  1. Building A Brand On Customer Service (Inside Intercom)

Looking at all of these articles, I'd have to say that my The Next Web article was definitely one of my favourites purely due to the immense reach of the article. Interestingly enough though it didn't drive that much traffic back to my blog, increase my Twitter following by much or generated many sales of Brandiing.

Which means that this end up being a close-second for the title of my favourite article in 2013.

My favourite article is one of the last one's I wrote in 2013: Pause. In my opinion, it's one of the best pieces I've ever written in that it has such a great flow to it and the mix of the rawness and transparency makes for an epic read.

Which was your favourite from the list above? Tweet me and lemme know. ;)