In the last year or two, I've learnt that the safest and best investment that I can make is the investment I make in myself; not by putting money into the bank or by backing a new startup during their angel round.
Personal Best
I believe that there are some (personal) decisions we should never compromise on. For those decisions, we should focus on our personal best and running our own race, our way and at our own pace.
Swinging for the Fences
Failure is an option and a real risk. Failure and risk something entrepreneurs understand well and learn to manage. However, death isn’t an option, it’s an inevitability.
What's Stopping You (From Building Your Business)?
Entrepreneurs are a different breed altogether. To some, it comes easier than others, but the above character traits can be learnt. It just requires a different way of thinking about taking a chance & executing on your vision/passion.
Right Place, Right Time
As an entrepreneur, build your soft assets and continuously improve your skills; build a great team, build a great product, don't waste money and have reserve kitty in your bank account.