Since launching the One Percent Project almost a month ago today, we've managed to get the project to 84% funding with all of your amazing help. For that, I'd like to thank you sincerely on behalf of the whole Radiiate & Rockstar Foundation team; without your help this would not have been possible!

But (there's always a but, right?), we would so love to have the project 100% funded before we hit the start of 2011, so we're hoping we can count on you to make one final donation. And I'd like to incentivize this is a little...

Get the Twitter machine working!

Please tweet, re-tweet and re-re-tweet the following tweet:
Contribute to the One Percent Project. RT this & @adii donates $0.10 to charity for every tweet.
For every single tweet or re-tweet, I will personally donate $0.10 USD to the One Percent Project to make sure that we reach that 100% mark before the New Year starts. I'm obviously also counting on you guys & girls to help me out by actually donating to the project as well... :)

More Incentives

In addition to the *extreme warm fuzzies* of contributing to a great project, I will further try to make this worth your while. Every single donation and tweet from now until the end of the year (i.e. 31 December 2010 for those that tend to confuse easily :)) will be entered into a prize draw for an awesome little gift package:
  • A signed hard cover edition of my book, Rockstar Business, along with a PDF version. (Note: The hard cover is actually sold out and not available otherwise.)
  • 2 hours of my virtual time to answer any questions, be a consultant for your business or whatever.
  • An awesome, limited edition WooThemes gift package, which includes the special "Where there is a WOO, there is a way" t-shirt.
Not bad hey? Now get donating & tweeting! :)

Visit The One Percent Project.