An idea that has been very prominent in my life in recent months is one of having an impact.
life profitability
The Obstacle is the Way
Where I am today, I'd very much like to avoid that sensation of feeling I have to persist and persevere with something that isn't enjoyable, isn't working and likely making me unhealthy.
How to Build a Reputation in 150 Easy Steps
What people know about you will either drive them towards you. Or away from you. The question is thus how to build the reputation that will be most beneficial to you? Or that will help you make progress towards your goals?
Why My Life is Not a Journey
In recent years I latched onto the idea that my life is not about the goals or destinations, but just about the journey itself.
The 5 Things That Changed My Life in 2015
During the latter stages of my WooThemes journey and especially once I had left, I had one burning question for myself that I constantly demanded be answered: Can I build another successful business? Or am I just a one-hit-wonder?