


Speaking Gigs

So following up on this tweet about my upcoming international travels, I have to say that there’s only two words to describe my current emotion: surreal & blessed.

At the beginning of the year I set myself the goal of speaking at, at least 3 international conferences. Up until now I’ve spoken at:

I will however soon add the following conferences to this list:

Couple that with the fact that I’ll also be visiting Corfu (Greece), London, Barcelona, Madrid & Lisbon on honeymoon with Jeanne in October and you’ve got yourself a jet setting line-up there.

So I’m being paid to see some amazing cities across the globe and I’ve far exceeded my goal of 3 international conferences, which really is a surreal experience (considering that there are awesome people that want to pay me to hear me speaking). Consider this as a thanks to all of you that have in any way made this possible! :)


Self Criticism

I’ve been watching the video of my recent presentation at NetProphet, in an attempt of improving my speaking skills going forward. So whilst there’s quite a few things that I will be looking to tweak going forward, I wanted to confirm one thing from the talk: the Adii on that video, is 100% me.

The way I think, talk & interact in that presentation is the same idea you’re gonna get when you meet me in person. I do this to make my presentations as conversational as possible.

This approach most definitely isn’t perfect, but it’s me.


Professional Speaking

In the past couple of weeks, I’ve spoken at some local & international conferences and have EECI2010 in San Francisco coming up in a few days time.

Now I don’t consider myself to be a professional speaker and as a result I don’t need to get paid to speak at amazing events; instead I’m just honoured that there’s an audience willing to listen to what I have to say. But everyone has water & lights to pay for and as a result I do need my expenses covered to enable me to speak at these conferences.

So I’ve decided to take a bit of a hard line on asking for my costs to be covered when I’m asked to speak at a conference. I don’t do this to be a little diva, but speaking at a conference shouldn’t cost me anything other than the “working time” that I sacrifice to be there.

What do you think? Does this make me a little bitch?

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