I write to leave breadcrumbs for my boys to retrace all the parts of me they perhaps never knew or saw or understood.
I write to leave breadcrumbs for my boys to retrace all the parts of me they perhaps never knew or saw or understood.
When I have been still in the last couple of weeks, I've never heard the thoughts, ideas and questions louder. I have never been more curious about what could be next and felt more ambitious to reveal more of my truth in this universe.
Some paths are shorter. Others are more scenic. Some are adventurous and risky. It may be kind. Or it can be deftly efficient and straight-to-the-point.
You don't need everything, because the weight of that expectation will wear you down. You need just enough to get you safely to the next pit stop.
Prophets often show up in the form of experts, gurus or thought leaders. Sometimes it’s a book or a blog post that promises you something (more).