I'm contemplating doing more mentoring for startup founders, entrepreneurs or anyone else in our space, who feel that they could benefit from my experience in setting up a new business. I think I've got a lot to share and I'd love to be in the position of helping out other entrepreneurs if I could.

So I've got the idea of running a workshop of some kind, where I would sit down with a handful of smart people and cover a couple of applicable topics in a session of a hour or two. Depending on how much time I have to develop content for the workshops, I'd expect a whole "course" to run across 3 / 4 weeks, with one session a week (in the evenings most likely).

Workshops to be held in Cape Town only.

If this is something you'd be interested in, please drop me an e-mail on adii[at]radiiate.com or using the contact form above. (I'm just trying to gauge interest before moving ahead on this.)