With last week’s reboot of Project 52 - which I had been participating in (by publishing at least one blog post per week since 1 January 2010) - I wanted to have a look book at the ideals that I set myself at the beginning of the year.

Here’s a bit of a summary of the things I think that I’ve been making the most progress on…

Writing, Blogging & Rockstar Business. It was important for me to start writing again, as I experienced somewhat of a writer’s block in the 2nd part of 2009. So I’m happy to say that I’m doing quite a bit of actual writing i.e. on pen & paper, I’ve been blogging one significant blog post at least once a week since the beginning of the year and I’ve also finished the draft of my upcoming book, Rockstar Business, which is with my editor at the moment.

Photography. I purchased a shiny new Canon 7D DSLR for my birthday in January and I’ve been using it quite a bit and I’m also learning more and more about both my camera & photography in general. My Flickr profile is proof of this.

Personal Health & Excercise. This has probably been my biggest achievement to date, as I’ve lost 11kg’s since the beginning of the year and I’m also just about ready to participate in my first half marathon next weekend. I feel great and the improvements in my weight & fitness is really a massive personal victory for me.

Everything WooThemes. It would be an understatement to say that WooThemes is firmly on its way to hit all of the goals that we set out to achieve this year. On average, the business has great momentum and I’m confident & certain that we’ll exceed our own expectations for 2010.

And a few goals that could definitely do with some attention (i.e. these are the things that I need to improve on in the next couple of months):

  • I set out to read at least one new book a month and whilst I started out well, this has come to a grinding halt. So I definitely need to start reading again, even though I find it really difficult when I’ve been in front of the computer all day.
  • I’m not spending enough time away from the office yet. I set myself the goal of getting out of the office more and working remotely either from home or from coffee shops. At least it seems that I’m hitting my target of spending at least one weekend away from home every month.
  • Both Radiiate & The Rockstar Foundation has slowly been making progress, but neither of them have sustainable models just yet, which means I need to spend more time to firmly establish those projects as well.
  • I still haven’t gotten back into video blogging and I’m not sure whether this is realistic / viable at this stage.

So that’s a bit of a check-in from my side. How are you progressing with your goals?