

business models

Doing Good is Good Business

I felt so inspired by this post and specifically loved this bit:

These business models will leverage the passion of individuals, create networks and build communities. They’ll provide ways for people to connect, to build, to contribute, to give. They’ll let employees be people. They’ll build products with a purpose. They’ll build companies with a purpose, with a mission that is understood, supported and created by their employees, customers and fans.

Taylor Davidson, Doing Good is Good Business.

Being a bit of a business models junkie, I think Taylor raises quite a few good questions here. A few of the things, that I think needs some urgent attention (from the world’s leading thinkers on business):

  1. Old metrics are just old. Things change and it doesn’t help to teach students old metrics just for the sake of it anymore.
  2. Markets are agile and metrics need to be flexible enough to allow them to adapt at the appropriate pace.
  3. Find a way the quantify “social good”.

So whilst there may be more questions than answers at the moment, this is a great read and should be on top of your “to read”-list this week.


Join a startup for free

The world would probably be a better place if all employees had this attitude towards their work, but instead the world is riddled with people who absolutely hate their jobs and just-just manages to contribute the minimum of which is expected of them.


Netprophet Slides

Here are my slides from my talk - Lessons Learnt from WooThemes - at NetProphet yesterday. If you’re not intrigued enough to view the slides yet, have a look at these compliments that I got via Twitter yesterday…

Wow @Adii makes awesome slides. If his slides are this good, you should be buying his themes. ~ @saulkza

Seriously ass-kickin’ slide deck by @adii at #NetProphet, be sure to check it out when it’s posted. ~ @PresoRockGods

Nothing like a bit of ego-stroking, ey? :)


Regular Writing

I’ve taught myself 3 new disciplines this year: exercising, eating healthy & actually blogging. Quite happy to say that Cameron’s advice in this regard is spot-on and it has been the routine of doing stuff that I both enjoy & know are beneficial to me that has helped me most.